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Learn how you can begin to relieve the tension in your piriformis muscle with a seated stretch with Allana.
Piriformis syndrome is a common yet painful condition that affects many people, causing discomfort in the buttocks and potentially radiating pain down the leg.
This condition occurs when the piriformis muscle, located deep in the buttock region, becomes tight or irritated, often compressing the sciatic nerve. While there are various treatment options available for piriformis syndrome, massage therapy has gained popularity as a holistic and effective approach to managing pain and discomfort. Here’s how!
Before Your Treatment:
Your massage therapist will start by asking you some questions to determine any patterns in your everyday life that may be causing your piriformis muscle to act up. Some common patterns would be sitting for long periods of time at your job, or overusing your muscles while performing physical activity. By identifying the potential cause, your massage therapist will give you solutions to prevent you from aggravating your condition. Moreover, your massage therapist will assess and help you correct any patterns in your posture that might be causing your piriformis muscle to tighten.
During Your Treatment:
Your massage therapist will use specific techniques to manually stretch and relax your piriformis muscle. This will help decrease your pain and tension in the area. Once the tightness in your piriformis is reduced, your muscle will ease up on your sciatic nerve allowing it to recover from being irritated thus decreasing symptoms of radiating pain down your leg. This will also allow you to improve mobility in that hip, preventing future injury.
After your Treatment:
After your treatment, your massage therapist will go over ways you can continue the healing process outside of the massage room. This might include hydrotherapy, postural corrections, and stretches to do at home to lengthen your piriformis muscle and help improve mobility in your hip.
Piriformis syndrome can be a painful and debilitating condition, but massage therapy offers a natural and holistic approach to managing its symptoms. By relaxing the piriformis muscle, reducing pain, and addressing underlying issues, massage therapy can help you regain your mobility and comfort. If you suffer from Piriformis syndrome, book a massage therapy appointment at Zoomers to take a step towards great comfort and well-being!
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