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If there was a medication that could reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, heart disease, osteoporosis, dementia and certain cancers, I suspect most Halifax seniors would take it. If the side effects of that medication improved mood, helped manage blood pressure and controlled body weight, I suspect it would be even more popular with Halifax seniors.
Unfortunately, no pill has been developed that is this powerful. Fortunately, we don’t need one. Exercise can give Halifax seniors all of these benefits and more. Exercise is truly a medicine that can be this powerful in optimizing Halifax seniors’ fitness and health.
Just like any medication, the dosage of exercise “taken” is important to get the optimal benefits for Halifax seniors’ fitness. In exercise prescription, the “FITT” principle is used to breakdown the dosage: Frequency, Intensity, Type and Time. The FITT suggestions described below are taken from the Canadian Guidelines produced by the Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology (CSEP).
“How much is enough to optimize Halifax seniors’ fitness benefits from exercise?”
Frequency and Time
Two and a half hours (150 minutes) per week is the recommended volume of aerobic exercise for adults 18 years and older (including those over the age of 65). To maximize the benefits, this can be broken down into portions of 10 minutes or more and should be done across the course of at least several days. For example, walking for 30 minutes on 5 days of the week or doing 50 minutes each of cycling, swimming and walking per week would meet this recommendation.
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